Rating Component
Set up
Let's import all necessary components in the script tag. We import a heart, thumb-up, and smiley icons, but you can use any icons as you like.
import { Rating } from 'flowbite-svelte';
import { HeartSolid, ThumbUpSolid, EmojiHappySolid } from 'svelte-heros';
Total and rating props
The default rating icon is a star. Set the total and rating props.
<Rating total="5" rating="4.66" />
Ceil prop
The default rounding for the rate is `floor`, but by adding the `ceil` prop, you can round it up.
<Rating total="5" rating="4.66" ceil />
Text slot
Use the `text` slot to add any text.
3.21 out of 5
<Rating total="5" rating="3.21">
<p slot="text" class="ml-2 text-sm font-medium text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400">3.21 out of 5</p>
Icon size and color
Use the `ratingUp` and `ratingDown` slots to add icons of your choice.
Size and color
The default icon size is `24`. Set the `class` in a icon component to change colors.
<Rating total="5" rating="3.21">
<span slot="ratingUp">
<HeartSolid class="text-red-700 dark:text-red-500" />
<span slot="ratingDown">
<HeartSolid class="text-gray-300 dark:text-gray-500" />
<Rating total="5" rating="4.7">
<span slot="ratingUp">
<EmojiHappySolid class="text-purple-500 dark:text-purple-700" />
<span slot="ratingDown">
<EmojiHappySolid class="text-gray-300 dark:text-gray-500" />
<Rating total="5" rating="5">
<span slot="ratingUp">
<ThumbUpSolid class="text-yellow-300 dark:text-yellow-200" />
<span slot="ratingDown">
<ThumbUpSolid class="text-gray-300 dark:text-gray-500" />
The component has the following props, type, and default values. See types page for type information.
Name | Type | Default |
divClass | string | 'flex items-center' |
total | number | 5 |
rating | number | 4 |
ceil | boolean | false |